
for a better world

system and Recycle design

recycle project icons
Recycle project icons
Recycle project icons

The problem and the solution

The visual communication of selective waste collection is incomplete and not consistent at Hungary, so the activity is low by people.
The challenge is to build a unified and informative signal system and educate, gain common knowledge and consciousness over the topic and facilitate participation.
Recycle project image
It is a system
The renewed system decodes the information of the 5 recycling material types. Each has a clear emblem for the material flow.
All material flow has a duotone color system, which strengthens the relationship between colours and waste types, plus the duotone color system also offers favourable printing processes.
recycle icons made by Flavarecycle icons made by Flavarecycle icons made by Flava
Design System
The primary logos appear in a rounded squareand in perspective as the icons of the material types.
recycle icons made by Flava
recycle icons made by Flava
recycle icons made by Flava
The colours are redefined, but based on the original Pantone codes of the Hungarian selective waste collection system.
recycle icons made by Flava
These icons are based on the same principles, but these represent the processes of recycling.
recycle icons made by Flava
recycle icons made by Flava
recycle icons made by Flava

All the data,which matters

Material palettes
of 5 material types,
to getting in touch
with society
The material palettes visualise the information each of the 5 material flow in summary.
They contain all the important information about the waste stream, that provides data on the types of waste, which can and can not be recycled, origin of production and the recycling process. The palettes are easy to learn.
recycle icons made by Flava
Recycle project icons
Recycle project 
Recycle project image
Primary surfaces as containers
Recycle project bin
The signalling system appears primarily on street containers and adapting to different varieties, with basic or advanced information depending on the type
recycle project image
recycle icons made by Flava
Recycle project icons
recycle icons made by Flava

Introduction to
commerce and society

Supermarkets and grocery stores
The greatest efficiency in the familiarisation and application of the signalling system can be achieved by attaching information on materials in everyday habits, placed next to and directly on specific commercial products.
The communication includes facts about why recycling is worthy.
Recycle project icons
Placing information
near products
recycle icons made by Flava
Placing information
on products
recycle icons made by Flava
Recyle package images
recycle icons made by Flava
Recyle package images
Recyle package images
Recyle package images Recyle package images recycle icons made by FlavaRecyle package images Recyle package images recycle icons made by FlavaRecyle package images
recycle project objects
Mind shaping,
it begins in the childhood
and school
The best arena for awareness-raising is school. The signalling system can serve as the basis for various games and educational materials, which can be used to create a more environmentally conscious, responsible future.
Recycle project icons

Playful games

Online courses

Interactive lessons

The design concept and execution were selected among the works exhibited by the Hungarian Design Award in 2011.